Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 38 (2) 2010
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

38 (2) 2010






A.A. Zeinalov, S.S. Valiev, and E.N. Tagieva. Human Environment in the Nakhichevan Region during the Mousterian (Based on the Gazma Cave Site, Azerbaijan) p. 2 - 6.

M.V. Sablin and E.Yu. Girya. The Earliest Evidence of Human Occupation in Southeastern Europe: A Processed Camel Bone Fragment from the Lower Don p. 7 - 13.

P.V. Volkov. Holocene Dwellings in the Russian Far East: A Functional and Planigraphic Analysis p. 14 - 24.


S.N. Skochina. Koshkino Bone and Horn Artifacts from Mergen-6 p. 25 - 36.

N.P. Dovgalyuk and L.V. Tataurova. Glass Beads from Russian Villages in the Middle Irtysh Area with Reference to the Trade Links of Russian Settlers in 17th–18th Century Siberia p. 37 - 45.

S.V. Pankova, S.S. Vasiliev, V.A. Dergachev, and G.I. Zaitseva. Radiocarbon Dating of Oglakhty Grave Using a Wiggle Matching Method p. 46 - 56.

E.A. Korolyuk and N.V. Polosmak. Plant Remains from Noin Ula Burial Mounds 20 and 31 (Northern Mongolia) p. 57 - 63.

W.A. Parkinson, E. Peacock, R.A. Palmer, Y. Xia, B. Carlock, A. Gyucha, R.W. Yerkes, and M.L. Galaty. Elemental Analysis of Ceramic Incrustation Indicates Long-Term Cultural Continuity in the Prehistoric Carpathian Basin p. 64 - 70.

A.M. Zhulnikov and E.A. Kashina. “Staffs with Elk Heads” in the Culture of the Ancient Population of the Eastern Urals, Northern and Eastern Europe p. 71 - 78.

A.M. Belavin and N.B. Krylasova. Objects with “Animal and Rider Imagery on the Base” in the Medieval Culture of Northern Eurasia p. 79 - 88.

V.D. Kubarev. Khar Chuluu: A New Rock Art Site in the Mongolian Altai p. 89 - 96.


A.K. Bustanov and S.N. Korusenko. Genealogy of the Siberian Bukharians: The Imyaminov Clan p. 97 - 105.

S.I. Petrova. Clothing in Yakut Traditional Wedding Rituals (19th–20th Centuries) p. 106 - 110.

V.A. Burnakov. The Yzykh in the Context of Traditional Khakassian Beliefs p. 111 - 121.

D.D. Nimaev. Daurs and Barguts: Issues of Ethnic History p. 122 - 127.

Komi-Permyak Traditional Culture: Photographic Collection by A.F. Teploukhov on Early 20th-century Uralic Ethnography, Perm Regional Museum p. 128 - 140.


M.K. Pang and V.Yu. Bakholdina. The Population History of the Korean Peninsula: Dental Evidence p. 141 - 145.

E.Z. Godina, N.M. Islamova, I.A. Khomyakova, and L.V. Zadorozhnaya. Growth and Development of Russian and Tatar Children and Adolescents in Naberezhnye Chelny p. 146 - 154.