E.A. Korolyuk and N.V. Polosmak. Plant Remains from Noin Ula Burial Mounds 20 and 31 (Northern Mongolia)
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

38 (2) 2010




Plant Remains from Noin Ula Burial Mounds 20 and 31 (Northern Mongolia)

E.A. Korolyuk and N.V. Polosmak.

This article focuses on plant remains from burials at Noin Ula in Northern Mongolia. It is probable that the plant remains are species of millet (Panicum L.), or a close family of bristle (Setaria Beauv). In the elite Xiongnu burials, grain was used in funeral rituals as a symbol of rebirth and immortality.

Keywords: Archaeological fi nds, plant remains, Panicum sp., Setaria sp., Xiongnu, Noin Ula burial ground, Northern Mongolia.