Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 42 (4) 2014
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

42 (4) 2014






O.I. Aleksandrova, V.N. Kireeva, and E.V. Leonova. Test Study of Organic and Inorganic Residues on the Stone Tools from the Mesolithic Layer in the Dvoinaya Cave (Northwestern Caucasus) p. 2 - 12.

K.A. Kolobova, A.I. Krivoshapkin, and K.K. Pavlenok. Carinated Pieces in Paleolithic Assemblages of Central Asia p. 13 - 29.

Y.B. Tsetlin and V.E. Medvedev. Ceramics of the Mariinskoye Culture from the Lower Amur p. 30 - 40.


V.S. Mosin, A.V. Epimakhov, A.A. Vybornov, and A.I. Korolev. Chronology of the Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age in the Urals p. 41 - 53.

V.I. Molodin. Ethnic and Cultural Mosaic in Western Baraba During the Late Bronze to Iron Age Transition (14th–8th centuries BC) p. 54 - 63.

S.P. Nesterov, V.P. Mylnikov, D.P. Volkov, and B.V. Naumchenko. Imitation/Reconstruction of an Early Medieval Dwelling in the Western Amur Basin p. 64 - 76.

L.Y. Tugusheva, S.G. Klyashtorny , and G.V. Kubarev. Inscriptions in Uyghur Writing and Runic Characters from the Urkosh Area (Central Altai) p. 77 - 82.

A.Y. Letyagin, A.A.Savelov, and N.V. Polosmak. High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging of a Mummy from AkAlakha-3 Mound 1, Ukok Plateau, Gorny Altai: Findings and Interpretations p. 83 - 91.

A.A. Malyshev, A.A. Golyeva, E.A. Spiridonova, A.S. Aleshinskaya, and M.D. Kochanova. Paleolandscape Reconstruction of the Abrau Peninsula Littoral (Krasnodar Territory): Based on Sediments at the Entrance of Lobanova Shchel p. 92 - 105.

J. Bourgeois, D.V. Cheremisin, G. Plets, E.P. Dvornikov, A.V. Ebel, B. Stichelbaut, L. van Hoof, and W. Gheyle. An Archaeological Landscape in the Dzhazator Valley (Altai Mountains): Surface Monuments and Petroglyphs from the Chalcolithic to the Ethnographic Period p. 106 - 119.


A.V. Baulo. Metal Plaques from the Fortifi ed Settlement Old Iskarra: Attribution and Subjects p. 120 - 124.

S. Sázelová. Ethnological Approach to Siberian Zoomorphs: A Search for Meaning and Implications for the Upper Paleolithic Evidence p. 125 - 135.

A.K. Bustanov and S.N. Korusenko. Genealogies of the Siberian Bukharans: The Shikhovs p. 136 - 145.


T.A. Chikisheva, P.V. Volkov, A.L. Krivoshapkin, A.T. Titov, V.P. Kurbatov, A.V. Zubova, and A.P. Borodovsky. Early Iron Age Surgical Technologies: Ante-Mortem Trepanation Among the Early Nomads of Gorny Altai p. 146 - 154.