A.A. Malyshev, A.A. Golyeva, E.A. Spiridonova, A.S. Aleshinskaya, and M.D. Kochanova. Paleolandscape Reconstruction of the Abrau Peninsula Littoral (Krasnodar Territory): Based on Sediments at the Entrance of Lobanova Shchel
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

42 (4) 2014




Paleolandscape Reconstruction of the Abrau Peninsula Littoral (Krasnodar Territory): Based on Sediments at the Entrance of Lobanova Shchel

A.A. Malyshev, A.A. Golyeva, E.A. Spiridonova, A.S. Aleshinskaya, and M.D. Kochanova.

Burial ground horizons dating as far back as the 6th–2nd centuries BC and the cultural layers associated with settlements dated to the Late Bronze (?) Age, the Classical Antiquity, and the Middle Ages, have been identifi ed during a multidisciplinary study of sediments exposed by trenching at the entrance of Lobanova Shchel (Lobanova Gorge), near a burial ground of the 6th–2nd centuries BC. The study has provided insights into general regularities of paleolandscape evolution in the littoral zone of the Abrau Peninsula. A correlation between the composition of plant communities, changes in sea level, seismic and sedimentary processes has been carried out.

Keywords: Paleolandscape, archaeological occupation sites, burial sites, stratigraphy, multidisciplinary study, palynology, soil science, cercetae, toreatae.