A.K. Bustanov and S.N. Korusenko. Genealogies of the Siberian Bukharans: The Shikhovs
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

42 (4) 2014




Genealogies of the Siberian Bukharans: The Shikhovs

A.K. Bustanov and S.N. Korusenko.

This paper focuses on the analysis of historical stories associated with an elite family of Siberian Muslims. Particular attention is paid to verifi cation of the original Arabic-language sources by comparing them with data obtained from population censuses and ethnographic interviews. The existence of genealogy among the West Siberian Tatars refers to the Bukharans who populated the region intensively in the 16th–19th centuries, developing into an ethnic and class group, and then in the 20th century assimilated among the Siberian Tatars. Several versions of the genealogy of descendants of ‘Awwas-Baqi, who arrived from the city of Sayram in the outskirts of Tara in Siberia, as well as the social status of the main members representing the Shikhov family, have been successfully identifi ed.

Keywords: genealogy, Shaykhs, Siberian Bukharans, elite families.