T.I. Chudova. Food Symbolism in the Context of Komi (Zyrians) Wedding Rituals
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

39 (3) 2011




Food Symbolism in the Context of Komi (Zyrians) Wedding Rituals

T.I. Chudova.

In the context of wedding rituals, food serves as an integrating symbol which aims to unite the parties of the bride and the groom, creating a new group of relatives. The fertility and wealth of the young couple is modeled with the help of the culinary code. The bread and salt of the wedding feast act as a symbol of wealth and love, and perform a protective function. Fowl and eggs in wedding rituals act as specifi c markers of mythological time.

Keywords: Wedding ritual, food symbolism, Komi (Zyrians).