E.I. Gelman, E.V. Astashenkova, Y.E. Piskareva, E.A. Bessonova, and S.A. Zverev. Prospection Studies of Bohai Graves Near Kraskinskoye Fortifi ed Settlement, Primorsky Krai
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

44 (4) 2016


DOI: 10.17746/1563-0110.2016.44.4.114-121


Prospection Studies of Bohai Graves
Near Kraskinskoye Fortifi ed Settlement, Primorsky Krai

E.I. Gelman1, 2, E.V. Astashenkova1, 2, Y.E. Piskareva1, E.A. Bessonova3, and S.A. Zverev3

1Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkinskaya 89, Vladivostok, 690001, Russia

2Far Eastern Federal University, Sukhanova 8, Vladivostok, 690091, Russia

3V.I. Ilyichev Pacifi c Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Baltiyskaya 43, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia

Locating graves at a Bohai (698–926 AD) cemetery near the fortifi ed settlement of Kraskinskoye in southern Primorye is diffi cult because their outward signs were destroyed by the large-scale fl ooding and meandering of the Tsukanovka River during the medieval warming phase. Therefore, several prospection methods were employed. While drilling proved useful for locating stone structures in the alluvium, we tried to achieve similar results by nondestructive techniques. Micromagnetic survey and electrical profi ling techniques were employed on a large area to reveal anomalies suggestive of underground stone structures in friable soil. Kappametry of ground surface was applied layer by layer within excavated areas to document magnetic susceptibility of deposits. Comparative analysis of data obtained by prospection techniques (micromagnetic sensing, georadar, magnetic susceptibility measurement) and by archaeological methods was helpful for detecting medieval burials without visible features. We revealed the orientation, arrangement, and general features of Bohai burials, located probable stone mines, and unearthed ceramics suitable for dating. Bohai burials at Kraskinskoye are paralleled by contemporaneous ones in China. Paleogeographic and petrological analyses provide clues to the reasons behind the destruction of Bohai burials. A reconstruction of the environment around the habitation site and cemetery is suggested.

Keywords: Primorsky Krai, Middle Ages, Bohai state, archaeological prospection, geophysics


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