T.A. Chikisheva, N.V. Polosmak, and A.V. Zubova. The Burial at Ak-Alakha-3 Mound 1, Gorny Altai: New Findings
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

43 (1) 2015




The Burial at Ak-Alakha-3 Mound 1, Gorny Altai: New Findings

T.A. Chikisheva, N.V. Polosmak, and A.V. Zubova.

Osteological and archaeological facts concerning burial 1 at Ak-Alakha-3 mound 1 in Gorny Altai, are presented. The barrow is famous for the mummy of a woman (burial 2). Burial 1 was situated immediately above the timber frame with the mummy, and contained the remains of a male and a juvenile. Features of the funerary rite shed light on the social status of the so-called Kara-Koba burials associated with the Pazyryk culture. Pathological symptoms detected in the man’s skeleton indicate physical disability. The individual died a violent death.

Keywords: Pazyryk culture, Kara-Koba burials, spina bifi da occulta, enthesopathies, ARS-syndrome.