R.G. Kurmanov and A.R. Ishbirdin. Vegetation Reconstruction in the Ufa II Fortifi ed Settlement and in Adjacent Landscapes According to the Palynological Analysis Data
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

43 (1) 2015




Vegetation Reconstruction in the Ufa II Fortifi ed Settlement and in Adjacent Landscapes According to the Palynological Analysis Data

R.G. Kurmanov and A.R. Ishbirdin.

This paper presents the results of an analysis of the palynological characteristics of four sections at the Ufa II fortifi ed settlement. Pollen and spores of 58 taxons that are predominantly grouped with the forest, meadow, and ruderal cenotic types have been identifi ed among 68 selected samples. Pollen spectra are characterized by the dominance of pollen of herbaceous plants. The vegetation change phases since the initial development of this area have been revealed. Periods of alternating peaks of the complexes of broad-leaved forests, marge-forest and ruderal communities related to fl uctuations in the intensity of human impact on the landscapes have been described.

Keywords: Palynology, factor analysis, correlation analysis, vegetation reconstruction, landscapes, area development stages, Ufa II fortifi ed settlement.