S.N. Korenevskiy. Two New Finds of the Chalcolithic–Bronze Age from the Fars River in the Northwestern Caucasus
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

43 (1) 2015




Two New Finds of the Chalcolithic–Bronze Age from the Fars River in the Northwestern Caucasus

S.N. Korenevskiy.

The article reports a Chalcolithic–early Bronze Age scepter fi nial and an ornamented axe-hammer. Both objects have been found in the submontane region of the northwestern Caucasus. Analysis of the shapes of these rare artifacts allows consideration of the problem of cultural contacts between the populations of the Western Caucasus and Southeast Europe during this period.

Keywords: Chalcolithic, early Bronze Age, cult, weapon, northwestern Caucasus, Pit Grave culture, Maikop-Novosvobodnaya community.