Z.Y. Zharnikov, M.A. Rudkovskaya, G.P. Vizgalov, and V.S. Myglan. Dendrochronological Dating of Buildings in the Central Part of the Residential Area at the Staroturukhansk Fortifi ed Settlement
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

42 (2) 2014




Dendrochronological Dating of Buildings in the Central Part of the Residential Area at the Staroturukhansk Fortifi ed Settlement

Z.Y. Zharnikov, M.A. Rudkovskaya, G.P. Vizgalov, and V.S. Myglan.

The article presents the results of dating the Staroturukhansk fortifi ed settlement – a monument from the time of the Russian colonization of Siberia, and briefl y describes the history of Staroturukhansk. Comparative analysis of archaeological and dendrochronological sources revealed six periods of building activities at the examined part of the site, dating to the mid-17th–mid-18th centuries.

Keywords: Archaeology, dendrochronology, Staroturukhansk fortifi ed settlement, Novaya Mangazeya.