A.N. Popov. Burial Assemblages of Boisman-2 – a Stratifi ed Site in Southern Primorye
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

34 (2) 2008




Burial Assemblages of Boisman-2 – a Stratifi ed Site in Southern Primorye

A.N. Popov.

Boisman-2, a site on the Peter the Great Bay coast, Primorye, includes human burials in Early Iron Age and Middle Neolithic deposits. During the excavation of the infi ll of the bottom part of an Early Iron Age dwelling (Yankovsky culture, 2800 – 2300 BP), remains of two burials were discovered on the surface of the clay fl oor. Another group of burials was associated with a Neolithic horizon (Boisman culture, 6500 – 4700 BP). Two burial grounds in a shell midden were completed cemeteries of family or clan groups associated with a single culture (Boisman). The ritual meaning of Yankovsky burials was evidently quite different from that of Boisman burials.