A.P. Derevianko, M.V. Shunkov, and P.V. Volkov. A Paleolithic Bracelet from Denisova Cave
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

34 (2) 2008




A Paleolithic Bracelet from Denisova Cave

A.P. Derevianko, M.V. Shunkov, and P.V. Volkov.

The collection of personal adornments and artifacts suggestive of symbolic behavior from the Early Upper Paleolithic deposits of Denisova Cave, Altai, is one of the earliest and the most representative of the Upper Paleolithic assemblages from Northern and Central Asia. Especially important is a fragment of a bracelet of dark-green chloritolite, found near the entrance to the eastern gallery of the cave in the upper part of stratum 11. The estimated age of the associated deposits is ca 30 thousand years. According to use-wear and technological analysis, techniques applied for manufacturing the specimen included grinding on various abrasives, polishing with skin, and technologies that are unique for the Paleolithic – high-speed drilling and rasping. The high technological level evidences developed manual skills and advanced practices of the Upper Paleolithic cave dwellers.