V.I. Molodin, L.N. Mylnikova, and L.S. Kobeleva. Stages in the Settlement History of Chicha-1: The Results of Ceramic Analysis
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

35 (3) 2008




Stages in the Settlement History of Chicha-1: The Results of Ceramic Analysis

V.I. Molodin, L.N. Mylnikova, and L.S. Kobeleva.

The paper addresses the stratigraphic distribution of ceramic assemblages in the sediments of ditch A – the earliest construction feature at Chicha-1. Materials from two excavation areas (8 and 16) are examined. Several types of pottery associated with various ceramic traditions are identifi ed. Migration routes into the Baraba forest-steppe zone during the Bronze Age to Iron Age transition and stages of human occupation at Chicha-1 are reconstructed.