Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 47 (1) 2019
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ISSN 1563 0110

Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

47 (1) 2019



DOI: 10.17746/1563-0110.2019.47.1



V.S. Zykina, V.S. Zykin, A.O. Volvakh, L.G. Smolyaninova, and I.Y. Ovchinnikov. The Loess-Paleosol Sequence at the Krasnogorskoye Section, the Low-Hill Zone of the Northeastern Altai Mountains p. 3 - 14.

V.I. Molodin, D.A. Nenakhov, L.N. Mylnikova, S. Reinhold, E.V. Parkhomchuk, P.N. Kalinkin, V.V. Parkhomchuk, and S.A. Rastigeev. The Early Neolithic Complex on the Tartas-1 Site: Results of the AMS Radiocarbon Dating p. 15 - 22.

K. Nordqvist, V.-P. Herva, and S. Sandell. Water and Cosmology in the Stone Age of Northeastern Europe p. 23 - 32.


V.B. Kovalevskaya. Turning Points in Horse Breeding in the Eurasian Steppes and the Near East p. 33 - 41.

R. Rezalou, Y. Ayremlou, N. Hariri, and S.F. Eisvand. The Study of Middle Bronze Age Interments at Khanghah Gilavan: Tentative Results p. 42 - 53.

R. Krause, A.V. Epimakhov, E.V. Kupriyanova, I.K. Novikov, and E. Stolarczyk. The Petrovka Bronze Age Sites: Issues in Taxonomy and Chronology p. 54 - 63.

O.A. Ulchitsky, E.K. Bulatova, E.K. Kazaneva, and O.M. Veremey. A Comparative Study of the Layout of Bronze Age Fortifi ed Settlements in the Southern Urals (3rd to 1st Millennia BC) p. 64 - 72.

N.P. Matveeva. Early Iron Age Pyramidal Kurgans in Western Siberia p. 73 - 82.

N.V. Polosmak, S.S. Shatskaya, M.V. Zadorozhnyy, L.P. Kundo, and E.V. Karpova. The Xiongnu Gold from Noin-Ula (Mongolia) p. 83 - 94.

M.A. Stoyakin and Park Kyujin. Geophysical Studies at the Horogoru Fortifi ed Settlement in South Korea p. 95 - 102.

S.F. Tataurov and S.S. Tikhonov. Medieval Sites of Tara Region, the Irtysh Basin: Origin, Chronology, Cultural and Ethnic Attribution p. 103 - 112.

L.A. Bobrov and D.M. Ismailov. A Central Asian Helmet from the Northern Kazakhstan Regional Museum p. 113 - 118.


E.E. Nechvaloda. The 18th-Century Udmurt Women’s Outfi ts Depicted in J.P. Falk’s Book: Interpretation and Attribution p. 119 - 126.

M.A. Kucherskaya. Wearing Folk Costumes as a Mimetic Practice in Russian Ethnographic Field Studies p. 127 - 136.

E.F. Fursova. Types of Winter Clothing Worn by Descendants of the Russian Pioneers in Siberia (Late 19th to Early 20th Centuries) p. 137 - 146.


V.V. Kufterin. Long-Bone Growth in the Bronze Age Skeletal Population of Gonur-Depe, Turkmenistan p. 147 - 156.