Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 39 (2) 2011
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

39 (2) 2011






A.P. Derevianko. Three Scenarios of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition. Scenario 3: The Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition in Africa and the Early Peopling of Eurasia by Anatomically Modern Humans p. 2 - 29.


T. Nomokonova, O.I Goriunova, R.J. Losey, and N.A. Savelyev. Use of Ulan-Khada Bay at Lake Baikal in the Holocene (Based on Fauna Remains) p. 30 - 36.

Yu.F. Kiryushin, K.Yu. Kiryushin, A.V. Schmidt, D.V. Kuzmenkin, and M.T. Abdulganeyev . Mollusk Shells from Burials of Tuzovskiye Bugry-1 as Indicators of Ethno-Cultural Processes in Southern Siberia and Western Central Asia in the 3rd Millennium BC p. 37 - 45.

N.V. Polosmak, E.S. Bogdanov, D. Tseveendorj, and N. Erdene-Ochir. Silver Horse Harness Adornments from Suzukteh Burial Mound 20 (Noin Ula, Mongolia) p. 46 - 54.

V.A. Borzunov, V.I. Stefanov, and I.G. Glushkov . Bystry Kulyogan-38 – Bronze Age Fortifi ed Dwelling in the Surgut Ob Area p. 55 - 69.

I.N. Vasilieva. The Early Neolithic Pottery of the Volga-Ural Region (Based on the Materials of the Elshanka Culture) p. 70 - 81.

N.P. Salugina. The Technology of the Yamnaya (Pit Grave) Ceramic Production and its Relevance to the Population History of the Volga-Ural Region in the Early Bronze Age p. 82 - 94.

T.N. Rafi kova and S.V. Berlina. Bakal Culture Dwelling at Settlement Ust-Tersyuk-1 p. 95 - 101.

E.D. Zilivinskaya. Middle East Architectural Traditions in Golden Horde Mansion Construction ETHNOLOGY p. 102 - 112.


N.I. Shietova. Brightness and Asceticism in the Clothing of the Uimon Kerzhak Women (20th and Early 21st Century) p. 113 - 118.

B.R. Zoriktuev. Who Are the Yakut Khorolors? (A Contribution to the Issue of Ethnic Identifi cation) p. 119 - 127.


G.A. Aksyanova. Ethnic Demography of Western Siberia at the End of the 20th Century p. 128 - 142.