N.Yu. Petrova. Pottery Making in the Village of Balkhar, Dagestan
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

39 (4) 2011




Pottery Making in the Village of Balkhar, Dagestan

N.Yu. Petrova.

The article presents ethnographic data on archaic pottery produced in Balkhar village located in the Akushinsky Region of the Republic of Dagestan. A range of products and equipment used at different stages of production are described. The article reviews the raw materials and technologies used in the production of pottery as well as methods of further processing and decoration. The article also gives a description of fi ring in the kiln conducted jointly by several female potters. Data from folklore is provided on the origins of pottery production in Balkhar village and information included on certain ritual activities associated with pottery making.

Keywords: Balkhar village, women’s pottery trade, potter’s wheel, ceramics, constructional technology, potter’s kiln, fi ring.