L.V. Zotkina, N.V. Basova, A.V. Postnov, and K.A. Kolobova. Elk Figurine from Tourist-2, Novosibirsk: Technological and Stylistic Features
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

48 (4) 2020


DOI: 10.17746/1563-0110.2020.48.4.075-083


An Elk Figurine from Tourist-2, Novosibirsk:
Technological and Stylistic Features

L.V. Zotkina, N.V. Basova, A.V. Postnov, and K.A. Kolobova

Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pr. Akademika Lavrentieva 17, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

Most figurines from the Bronze Age cemetery Tourist-2 in Novosibirsk are anthropomorphic, and follow one and the same iconographic style, termed “Krokhalevka”. Two fragments, however, refer to a zoomorphic image—that of an elk. As they cannot be refitted, a special analysis was carried out. Computer-aided measurements and statistical comparisons suggest that they belong to a single specimen. This is important for further study, the search for parallels, and interpretation. Stylistic comparison with other items of portable art from Tourist-2 is difficult, since these are anthropomorphic. Nonetheless, the analysis suggests that the elk figurine is a perfect match with the homogeneous and stable technological complex revealed by other specimens. In terms of technology and style, the elk figurine parallels those of the Late Angara figurative tradition. Because the Tourist-2 burial had not been dated, a preliminary AMS-date of 4601 ± 61 BP (3511—3127 cal BC) was generated. Given this date and the archaeological context of the elk figurine, it can provide a reference point for the cultural and chronological attribution of other stylistically and technically similar images.

Keywords: Stone figurines, technology, style, Bronze Age, Krokhalevka culture, rock art