A.V. Tetenkin, E.I. Demonterova, E.V. Kaneva, A. Henry, and E. Gauvrit Roux. Ocher in Late Paleolithic Contexts at the Kovrizhka IV Site, the Baikal-Patom Highlands (Eastern Siberia, Russia)
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

48 (3) 2020


DOI: 10.17746/1563-0110.2020.48.3.033-042


Ocher in Late Paleolithic Contexts
at the Kovrizhka IV Site, the Baikal-Patom Highlands
(Eastern Siberia, Russia)

A.V. Tetenkin1, E.I. Demonterova2, E.V. Kaneva3, A. Henry4, and E. Gauvrit Roux4

1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Lermontova 83, Irkutsk, 664074, Russia

2Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Lermontova 128, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia

3Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Favorskogo 1A, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia

4Universite Cote d’Azur, CNRS UMR 7264 CEPAM, Nice, France

This paper deals with numerous ocher remains found in cultural layers 6, 2G, and 2B of the Paleolithic site Kovrizhka IV on the Vitim River, in the Baikal-Patom Highlands (Eastern Siberia). These layers are dated by radiocarbon to the interval of ~19.2-18.3 ka cal BP. In cultural layers 2B and 2G, ocher colored the living floors and combustion areas. Stratigraphic observations indicate that this was done at the very beginning of the occupation. In layer 6, traces of ocher were present on an anthropomorphic figurine made of mammoth ivory, and pieces of ocher were found near the head of another such figurine. In layer 2B, a large piece of ocher was unearthed at the edge of the hearth. Ocher residues were also detected by use-wear analysis on certain artifacts. This variety of patterns suggests different functions of ocher, possibly both symbolic and utilitarian. The mineral composition of ocher was assessed by X-ray diffraction analysis. In all three layers, hematite is associated with quartz. In layer 2G, an additional type of ocher was identified, containing impurities, such as calcite and chlorite. Known sources of ocher are located in the distribution areas of magnetite and hematite ores, over 500 km southwest and southeast of Kovrizhka IV. The importance of ocher in the life of these societies is discussed in light of the archaeological evidence and the longdistance raw material acquisition patterns of ocher.

Keywords: Late Paleolithic, Eastern Siberia, Kovrizhka IV, dwelling, ocher, hematite