O.V. Maltseva. Impact of Salmon Fishing on Livelihood and Social Relations Among the Ulchi and the Amur Nanai (Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Century)
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

40 (2) 2012




Impact of Salmon Fishing on Livelihood and Social Relations Among the Ulchi and the Amur Nanai (Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Century)

O.V. Maltseva.

Drawing on an analysis of literary sources, 1897 Census data, and the author’s fi eld materials, the study examines the impact of salmon fi shing on the economic and social structures of the Tungus-Manchu ethnic groups – the Ulchi and Nanai people. Specifi c features of the spawning migration of various species of Pacifi c salmon formed the regional basis of livelihoods in the Lower Amur region. These same features determined the economic character and structure of settlements as well as impacting social relations among the Amur Nanai and the Ulchi.

Keywords: Lower Amur region, salmon fi shing, Amur Nanai people, Ulchi people, household economy, social relations, settlement system.