A.V. Matveyev, O.M. Anoshko, and T.A. Alieva.Tobolsk Enkolpion Tobolsk Enkolpion
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

40 (2) 2012




Tobolsk Enkolpion

A.V. Matveyev, O.M. Anoshko, and T.A. Alieva.Tobolsk Enkolpion

This article provides a detailed morphological and stylistic description of a gilded enkolpion (panagia) cast of copper, which was discovered during excavations in the upper trading quarter of Tobolsk, as well as providing circumstances of its discovery. It has been established that the enkolpion was produced by Moscow artisans. It belongs to a group of early copper cast enkolpia for traveling, which can be dated to the second half of the 16th – fi rst half of the 17th century or a slightly broader period of time. It has been suggested that the appearance of such a religious object in Tobolsk could have been associated with the establishment of a new diocese there in the early 17th century and with the presence of the fi rst Siberian and Tobolsk Archbishops in the town.

Keywords: Western Siberia, Tobolsk, copper casting, objects of Christian worship, traveling enkolpion.