S.V. Markin and K.A. Kolobova. The Sartan Upper Paleolithic Assemblages of the Northwestern Altai
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

48 (1) 2020


DOI: 10.17746/1563-0110.2020.48.1.029-040


The Sartan Upper Paleolithic Assemblages of the Northwestern Altai

S.V. Markin and K.A. Kolobova

Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pr. Akademika Lavrentieva 17, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

This article highlights the results of comprehensive studies at Sartan cave and open-air sites (MIS 2) in the northwestern Altai. Their stratigraphic profiles include loam layers, often with geest. Absolute dates are discussed, as well as the relative stratigraphic position of lithological layers within profiles of stratified Pleistocene sites, using available paleoenvironmental data. The Sartan sites of the region are base-camps with a complete sequence of raw material reduction. Such a combination of base-camp and workshop features indicates the proximity of raw material sources. The main hunting targets were animals inhabiting mosaic landscapes. Sites correlated with various stages of the Sartan glaciation have yielded stone and bone assemblages of the final stage of the regional Upper Paleolithic. Petrographic characteristics of lithic assemblages and sources of raw material are evaluated. Typological and technological properties of industries are listed. The Late Upper Paleolithic of southern Siberia reveals a combination of Upper and Middle Paleolithic features, evidencing cultural conservatism. These industries are rather similar to those of central, southeastern, and northeastern Altai and to contemporaneous industries of southern Siberia.

Keywords: Sartan glaciation, Final Upper Paleolithic, northwestern Altai, lithic assemblages, bone assemblages, petrographic composition, artifact typology