M.M. Savenkova. Textile Decoration and Patterns on the Andronovo Vessels: Possible Reconstructions
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

46 (2) 2018


DOI: 10.17746/1563-0110.2018.46.2.043-051


Textile Decoration and Patterns on the Andronovo Vessels:
Possible Reconstructions

M.M. Savenkova

Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Lenina 86, Voronezh, 394043, Russia

Certain researchers believe that the designs composed of oblique triangles, meander-shaped figures, and combimprints on Andronovo vessels reproduce those on woven, embroidered, and applique textiles. The article compares the Andronovo designs on pottery with the decoration used in textile manufacture. To reconstruct the making of geometric compositions, textile interlacing designs were сomposed for producing samples using the weaving technique on tablets. Such tools were used for producing the earliest textile manufacture with an interwoven warp starting in the Early Neolithic. The sequence of patterns with vertical-horizontal, diagonal-horizontal, and diagonal-rhombic elements is described. Various types of designs were created, and the most rational decoration methods were selected. The dependence of pattern on the sequence whereby colored threads are run through holes was analyzed. To make complex patterns, rotation of tablet blocks in various directions was used. The results suggest that designs on the Andronovo vessels indeed reproduce woven prototypes.

Keywords: Andronovo culture, pottery decoration, textile decoration