G.V. Kubarev. A Runic Inscription at Kalbak-Tash II, Central Altai, with Reference to the Location of the Az Tribe
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

44 (4) 2016


DOI: 10.17746/1563-0110.2016.44.4.092-101


A Runic Inscription at Kalbak-Tash II, Central Altai,
with Reference to the Location of the Az Tribe

G.V. Kubarev

Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

The article introduces and interprets a new runic inscription found at the Kalbak-Tash II petroglyphic site in Centra l Altai. Whereas the adjacent petroglyphic site, Kalbak-Tash I, is the largest collection of Old Turkic runic texts in the Altai Republic and in Russia at large, Kalbak-Tash II has so far yielded only one such inscription, consisting of seven characters. Professor Marcel Erdal has suggested its transliteration, translation, and commentary. The proposed translation reads, “The Horse tribe. Hunters of the Az (tribe), open (the way)!” The inscription, evidently dating to the 8th century, marks boundaries of tribal grazing areas or those of small social units, in this case, the Az tribe. This article considers references to the Az tribe in runic texts from Mongolia and Tuva; various viewpoints regarding their location, affinities with neighboring tribes, origin, and later history are discussed. This new inscription confi rms the common idea that the so-called mountain (or mountain-taiga) Az lived not only in Western Tuva, but also in Eastern and Southern Altai; whereas the steppe Az lived alongside the Qirqiz in the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin. The culture possibly associated with the Az is the Kudyrge culture in Altai. The Kalbak-Tash II inscription, short though it is, is a signifi cant addition to the well-known Orkhon runic texts addressing the history of the Turkic Khaganates.

Keywords: Runic inscriptions, translation, interpretation, Kalbak-Tash II, Central Altai, Old Turkic epoch, Az tribe


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