Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia
43 (2) 2015
New Findings Relating to the Maikop-Novosvobodnaya Burial Rite
S.N. Korenevskiy, M.B. Mednikova, and V.V. Bochkovoy.
Two burials of human remains at the Maikop-Novosvobodnaya settlement of Chekon-2 in the Taman Peninsula, northwestern Caucasus, are described. The X-ray fl uorescence analysis has revealed traces of cinnabar on the inside of the vault bones of one cranium. The totality of fi ndings suggests that the Chekon-2 burials were sacrifi cial, and were arranged in a special area within the settlement.
Keywords: Burial rite, bioarchaeology, paleopathology, corpse treatment, X-ray fl uorescence analysis, cinnabar use.