A.A. Badmaev. Eighteenth Century Trends in the Development of Buryat Clothing
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

38 (3) 2010




Eighteenth Century Trends in the Development of Buryat Clothing

A.A. Badmaev.

On the basis of literary and archival materials, the article describes social and local ethnic differences in the traditional Buryat costume. Specifi c features such as the use of leather and fabric in the clothing of different ethnic groups are identifi ed. The article calls attention to the regulation of clothing among the aristocracy and to the signifi cance of Russian-Chinese trade links in the development of the Buryat material culture. Through the example of clothing the ethnic and cultural ties of the Buryats with the peoples of Central Asia and Southern Siberia are explored.

Keywords: Ethnography, Buryats, material culture, culture of sustenance, national clothing.