V.A. Drebushchak, L.N. Mylnikova, and T.N. Drebushchak. Physical and Chemical Properties of Ceramics from the Chronologically Transitional (Late Bronze – Early Iron Age) Site of Linyovo-1, Southern Siberia: Methodological Prospects and Interpretation of the Results
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

38 (4) 2010




Physical and Chemical Properties of Ceramics from the Chronologically Transitional (Late Bronze – Early Iron Age) Site of Linyovo-1, Southern Siberia: Methodological Prospects and Interpretation of the Results

V.A. Drebushchak, L.N. Mylnikova, and T.N. Drebushchak.

Linyovo-1, a Late Bronze – Early Iron Age site in southwestern Siberia, is highly important for the study of ceramic production as it offers a rare opportunity for directly examining the clay and paste of which the vessels were made. Technological analysis has allowed us to trace the changes produced by fi ring. For the fi rst time, results of petrographic, X-ray phase, and thermal analysis of vessels are being published. An algorithm of derivatographic measurements and the techniques of data processing and interpretation are outlined in some detail. Prospects for science-based methods of studying pottery are discussed. As an alternative to the traditional approach for assessing fi ring temperature on the basis of thermal analysis, we suggest using a comparative analysis of the preservation of clay components in the ceramic paste to evaluate the quality of fi ring. This approach can be used with regard to vessels from a single site as well as those from different sites and even with regard to various parts of a single vessel.

Keywords: Ceramics, science-based methods, thermal analysis, quality of fi ring.