M.N. Zheltova. Kostenki-4: The Position of Artifacts in Space and Time (the Analysis of the Cultural Layer)
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

37 (2) 2009




Kostenki-4: The Position of Artifacts in Space and Time (the Analysis of the Cultural Layer)

M.N. Zheltova.

A.N. Rogachev’s excavations of the Upper Paleolithic site Kostenki-4 revealed several clusters of archaeological fi nds and remains of four dwellings including two long dwellings, which are rather unusual. While it is commonly considered that the site is stratifi ed, Rogachev hesitated before reaching this conclusion, and not all his arguments appear to be suffi ciently solid. In the present article, Rogachev’s published fi ndings are reviewed in order to assess the structure of the site in both plan and profi le. The position of various sublayers is evaluated and an interpretation of the results is attempted.

Keywords: Upper Paleolithic, settlement, dwelling, dwelling complex, culture-bearing layer, cultural horizon, hearth.