S.S. Tur. A Nonmetric Cranial Study of the Andronovo Series from the Altai
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

39 (1) 2011




A Nonmetric Cranial Study of the Andronovo Series from the Altai

S.S. Tur.

Nonmetric traits were studied on more than 80 crania from the Middle Bronze Age (Andronovo) burials in the Altai. Two alternative trait batteries were used: that introduced by T. Hanihara and H. Ishida, and that proposed by A.G. Kozintsev. Groups were compared using two multivariate methods, Correspondence Analysis and C.A.B. Smith’s Mean Measure of Divergence. Both trait batteries yielded similar results, attesting to the Southern Caucasoid (Mediterranean) affi nities of the Andronovo population of the Altai. This agrees with the results of dental studies, but disagrees with the results of craniometric analysis. One of the possible explanations is admixture.

Keywords: Nonmetric cranial traits, Bronze Age, Andronovo culture, Altai.