S.S. Vostrikov and S.I. Lukyashko. Information-Theoretical Database Management System in the Context of Monuments Dating to the Pre-Scythian Period Situated on the Lower Don
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Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

39 (1) 2011




Information-Theoretical Database Management System in the Context of Monuments Dating to the Pre-Scythian Period Situated on the Lower Don

S.S. Vostrikov and S.I. Lukyashko.

The article reviews and evaluates top studies by Russian archaeologists focusing on creating databases of archaeological sources. The authors offer their own version of an information-theoretical database management system applied in the context of monuments dated to the pre-Scythian period situated on the lower Don. Each stage of application design is described in detail including a description of the subject area, selecting information objects, analyzing information, determining relationships between information objects and constructing a logical information model of the subject area. The article provides an overview of databases, informational models and other technologies, the correct use of which is essential to the contemporary archaeologist.

Keywords: Archaeology, burial mounds, burials, burial ritual, pre-Scythian period, early Scythians, information technologies, databases.