Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 49 (1) 2021
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ISSN 1563 0110

Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology
of Eurasia

49 (1) 2021


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H.A. Amirkhanov. Evolution of the Lithic Industry in Central Dagestan During the Early Pleistocene: The Rising Occurrence of Flake Blanks p. 3 - 8.

I.D. Zolnikov, А.А. Anoikin, E.A. Filatov, A.V. Vybornov, A.V. Vasiliev, A.V. Postnov, and L.V. Zotkina. New Evidence of the Late Neopleistocene Peopling of the Lower Ob Valley p. 9 - 20.

I.V. Schmidt. Cruciform Signs Decorating Paleolithic Bone Artifacts from Cherno-Ozerye II, the Middle Irtysh Area p. 21 - 29.


P.S. Ankusheva, I.P. Alaeva, M.N. Ankushev, A.V. Fomichev, E.P. Zazovskaya, and I.A. Blinov. From Ore to Metal: Exploitation of the Novotemirsky Mine, Southern Trans-Urals, in the Second Millennium BC p. 30 - 38.

V.I. Molodin, M.S. Nesterova, and L.S. Kobeleva. On a Distinctive Feature of the Andronovo (Fedorovka) Funerary Rites in the Baraba Forest-Steppe p. 39 - 52.

K.A. Kolobova, P.V. Chistyakov, N.V. Basova, A.V. Postnov, and L.V. Zotkina. A Method for Attributing Non-Refi tting Fragments to a Single Artifact: The Case of Bronze Age Flat Figurines p. 53 - 59.

N.V. Fedorova and A.V. Baulo. Three Silver Dishes from Yugra p. 60 - 67.

N.P. Matveeva. On Early Medieval Contacts of the Urals and Western Siberia with Central Asia: The Evidence of Ceramics p. 68 - 77.

N.B. Krylasova and A.V. Danich. Composite Belt Ornaments with Bear Claw Pieces in Medieval Men’s Costume of the Perm Region, Western Urals p. 78 - 84.

I.V. Zhurbin. Unfortifi ed Settlements of the Cheptsa Culture (9th–13th Centuries): Ambiguity of Interpretation and Delimitation of Boundaries p. 85 - 93.

A.P. Borodovsky. Sections of the Early 18th Century Ditch at Fort Umrevinsky p. 94 - 100.

D.O. Osipov. The Use of Natural Scientifi c Methods in the Study of Leather Items from Archaeological Excavations p. 101 - 107.


А.А. Badmaev. Cattle in Buryat Mythology and Ritual p. 108 - 115.

A.A. Sirina. Evenki Reindeer Riding Saddle: Certain Principles of Mobility in the Taiga p. 116 - 125.

A.Y. Mainicheva. The Consecration of Altars in 17th–21st Century Siberian Orthodox Churches: The Neurosymbolic Aspect p. 126 - 132.


T.A. Chikisheva and D.V. Pozdnyakov. The Peopling of the Baraba Forest-Steppe in the Neolithic: Cranial Evidence p. 133 - 145.

E.Z. Godina, L. Gundegmaa, and E.Y. Permyakova. Morphofunctional Characteristics of Mongolian Children and Adolescents Living in Different Ecological Zones p. 146 - 153.